About the Project
FRIGO AUTO-DOSE™ takes the guesswork out of diluting your FRIGO®/ORUS® squeegee bucket solutions during freezing weather - effectively ridding your site of frozen squeegee buckets during the winter months.

Project Goals
Frozen squeegee buckets are an annoyance for customers. Traditional methods of managing this issue are bulky and wasteful. In short, the goals of this project can be described as follows:
1 Launch a new product that aims to tackle the issue of frozen squeegee buckets during the winter months. This includes packaging, branding, photos, and video.
2 Create documentation and graphic assets to educate, promote, and sell FRIGO Auto-Dose.
3 Film, edit, and publish training and promotional videos.

Training & Promotional Documentation
To showcase how to use FRIGO Auto-Dose correctly, and answer any frequent questions, I was tasked with creating 3 documents. These include: Product Instructions, Product Information, and Product FAQ.

Training & Promotional Video
To showcase the benefits of FRIGO Auto-Dose, I was tasked with creating promotional videos, as well as training videos for use on CAF Academy (proprietary training software).